Mushroom RisOATo


Our Mushroom RisOATo is a savory, healthy, quick and easy way to satisfy your risotto craving. Made with dried mushrooms and packed with all the ingredients needed to make the perfect RisOATo, you can enjoy it as a side dish, lunch or dinner. Enjoy RisOATo in a healthy and nutritious way with Creative Oats.



Mushroom RisOATo is a great way of eliminating simple carbohydrates such as rice, for nutritious whole grain rolled oats.  Whether it is for a side dish or full meal option, Creative Oats Mushroom RisOATo is a great substitute for your favorite risotto recipe.  You have to eat good to feel good and we have created a flavorful way to EAT MORE OATS!

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Ingredients: Non-GMO Whole Grain Rolled Oats, Dried Mushrooms, Parmesan Cheese, Dried Onion, Parsley, Garlic, Vegetable Bouillon, Powdered Butter, Thyme

Directions: Empty packet into pan, add 3/4 cup of water. Cook on stove over medium heat for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally OR microwave 1 minute, stir and cover for 3 minutes. Stir again and microwave additional 30 seconds.